I am Pregnant…

Expectant Mother Services Available


Confidential Guidance:

  • Attorneys and staff available Monday - Friday to help explain the adoption process and Louisiana adoption laws.

  • Confidential voicemail for questions on weekends or after working hours.

  • Counseling by an independent, licensed counselor is also available at no cost to you.


Pregnancy Expenses:

  • Absolutely NO legal fees to you, the birth parents.

  • Financial assistance may be available for housing, medical, and other allowable expenses, to be paid by the adoptive couple through their attorney.


Choosing the Right Family:

  • Opportunity to choose your child's adoptive family, or if YOU wish, we can help select one for you.

  • Option to meet your adoptive couple and build a relationship with your adoptive family.

  • Option to have continuing contact with your child after placement.

Let us help you find the perfect family for your baby.


1. Can I choose who will adopt my child?

Yes! We will discuss with you your heart's desire about the couple/person to whom you would be willing to entrust your child. Next, we will find several adoptive parents who meet your qualifications, and ultimately recommend a family for you to consider. The adoptive parent(s) will provide you with a Mini-Scrapbook, which will contain photos as well as tell you about that family. Once you choose your family we determine whether you want to meet, and if so, we set up telephone conferences and ultimately in-person visits. Whether you want to meet your adoptive family is up to you!

2. What happens if I decide I want my child back?

Choosing adoption means choosing a permanent new home for your child. Adoption is not like foster care or temporary custody. Although as a birth parent you may always be an important part of your child's life, the decision of adoption is a transfer of all parental rights and responsibilities from the birthparents to the adoptive couple.

3. Can I stay in contact with my child?

The amount of post adoption contact varies in every adoption, and is discussed between the birthparents, the adoptive couple, and the attorney/ agency. Oftentimes post adoption photos and letters are exchanged 2-3 times per year. We will work with you and your adoptive family to create a continuing contact agreement that promotes an healthy, open relationship for the future. Your wishes as a birthparent are extremely important, and an adoptive couple will be found who is agreeable to your post adoption contact requests.

4. Does the birthfather need to know?

Every state has different laws regarding the necessity of contacting and obtaining a consent to adoption from a birthfather. The law of your state and of the state of the adoptive couple will be reviewed to determine whether this will be necessary. In Louisiana, the birthfather must be contacted to provide his consent unless his identity is unknown. You will not have to contact the birthfather, our office will take care of this for you.

5. If I’m under 18 years old, do my parents have to know?

Every state has laws regarding the necessity of parental consent in adoption. Again, we will review the law of your state and the home state of the adoptive couple to determine whether or not your parents need to be involved in the adoption process. In Louisiana, a birthparent under 18 years old must have parental consent when signing a consent, unless that consent is given to a Louisiana adoption agency. We will take every legal step possible to protect your privacy!

6. Can I receive financial assistance during my pregnancy?

Again, state law varies, but in Louisiana, living and medical expenses can be paid during pregnancy and for up to 6 weeks post delivery. However, expenses must be carefully documented and verified. Selling a baby is illegal in Louisiana.

An unplanned pregnancy is a scary and confusing time. There is so much to think about and so many decisions to be made. We want to help.