Adoptive Mother's View

Baby Dawson

"About 6 years ago, I was told it was going to be really hard for me to get pregnant, but not impossible.  I was still very positive that it would happen for us, so I started my medication and did not worry about it too much.  Anyway, about a year later, nothing was happening.  I was in a worship service, and my best friend was singing the song “Healer” by Kari Jobe.  I literally could not sing the words.  I started crying and yelling at God, wondering why He took away the one thing I ever wanted to be in life.  I collapsed at the altar with the leader of the evangelism team, and could not stop crying.  At the end of the service, everyone in the service laid hands on me and Kurt, and the leader anointed us with oil.  I left that service with so much hope, and felt like God had healed me. Well, months turned into years, and in those years we got yet another devastating diagnosis when Kurt got tested. I became very angry and bitter at God.  I completely shut Him out at one point.  I just did not understand why He would put the desire in our hearts to be parents, then not come through with that promise in the way we thought He should.  I had heard about you guys right as we were deep in the throes of our infertility.  I always knew adoption was an option, but I was so blinded by my anger and bitterness that I refused to see that God was slowly opening that door.  I put it to the back of my mind and tried to shut it out completely.  A few years later, God started to heal that area of mine and Kurt’s life, and we began to pray about adoption.  After researching several agencies and adoption consultants, we became very discouraged with every aspect of it.  The costs, the waiting lists, the YEARS they were telling us we would have to wait for a match. I was praying so hard for God to reveal the next step in our adoption research, when He brought you back to the forefront of my mind.  We took that step of faith, contacted y’all, and now here we are! But let me tell you how I KNEW y’all were it for us.  I had never gotten such an obvious confirmation from the Lord as I did the day I went to your office to drop off that first initial check.  I walked into the waiting area of your office, and the song playing softly in the background was “Healer” by Kari Jobe! I got  back into my car and just wept and praised God for His faithfulness!  Kurt and I can now look back even to a few years ago and see how God had been preparing the way for us to bring Dawson home. Even as we were going through the process, God affirmed us the whole way through.  His presence was felt throughout the whole 2 weeks we were there!  We now know that, had we gotten pregnant, we would not have Dawson today.  And he is the most amazingly perfect gift that God has ever given to us.  Sometimes we just sit and stare at him in awe. God created him specifically for us!  And he was absolutely worth the wait! Thank you ladies for being so amazing through this whole journey.  For praying us through it all, for being there through my crazy doubting moments, and for allowing God to speak to us through y’all!  It really has been an amazing experience, even through all the anxiety and rollercoaster of emotions! We would go through it all again because it led us to Dawson :)"

— Former Adoptive Mother