Payment Options


As a courtesy to our clients, Odom-Saska Adoptions, LLC accepts credit cards for payments toward application fees and on account. As an added service, Odom-Saska Adoptions, LLC has partnered with LawPay to provide the convenience of making online payments via a secure webpage. Paying online eliminates the need for writing a check, and saves time and postage.


This service may be used to pay application fees and toward account balances in the following manner:

To pay an application fee clients should enter as the “Reference” the client’s full name and the words “application fee”.  For example: “Bob Adams- application fee”.  For the “Amount” the client should enter $1,500.00 if paying with e-check and $1,544.25 if paying with credit card.  Again, this fee includes an hour-long informational in-person, phone, or Zoom meeting with Mrs. Odom or Mrs. Saska, includes followup and efforts meeting with and gathering information from expectant mothers, includes guidance and direction in preparing adoptive couple profile, includes being featured on our website, and information on advertising options.

Existing clients wishing to pay toward account balances (i.e. the initial retainer deposit or payment on an existing account balance) will need to contact our office and let us know they would like to make a credit card payment. We will email you an updated LawPay “quick-bill” that will reflect the amount to be paid. 

 To pay the application fee click on the link below.

*Please note the following fees may be incurred: Payments made with VISA, MASTERCARD, or DISCOVER, will be charged 2.95%; while payments made with Specialty Cards such as AMERICAN EXPRESS via the website will be charged 3.95%.


Wire or Bank Transfer

Please call one of our office locations to get information about how to send a bank transfer to pay any amount owed on your existing client account balance.