Hi. We are Matt, Jean, and this is our 3 year old daughter "bee-bops".  Our daughter joined our family through adoption and is such a blessing. We find so much joy in spending time together as a family, learning together, going on adventures together and just playing around at home (Even in the middle of writing this, our family was pulled into a surprise game of hide and seek with our daughter). We can't wait to share our love, life, family and home with another amazing child.

We met through work when some mutual friends invited us to a happy hour after work. There was an immediate connection and we became friends almost instantly.

After a few months of friendship, we both began to see our connection was very special. We started dating, really getting to know each other and even meeting each other’s family.

In 2014, we got engaged following a pretend treasure hunt Matt planned. Jean recalls her dad saying he can now put the shotgun away, indicating Jean had found a good one.

We’ve now been married for 9 years and are continually in awe of the blessing God has given us in our family. We are a Christian family with faith that God sent his son to bring us salvation. We also believe God provides the first and best example of adoption by welcoming us into his family as sons and daughters. We strive to follow God's example of relentless love for his children. 

Jean is a full time mom. In our family, that includes doing arts/crafts and baking with our daughter, volunteering at her pre-school, and taking her to swim lessons. Matt is self employed as a consultant which gives him the flexibility to spend more time with his family and attend important family events, like first days at school and trips to the zoo. 

We have a relatively small extended family, but we keep in touch with almost daily photo and video messages as we live in different states.

While we don't know your story yet, we are already praying for you and this process. We are here to support you in whatever that might look like.


Matt and Jean


Kara and Dan


Katherine and Heath